Clinicians trained in behavior analysis are dedicated to understanding and improvement your child’s behavior. Our therapists focus on defining behaviors of social significance, sometimes referred to target behaviors, within the contexts in which they occur. This includes understanding the antecedent environmental affordances and hindrances to the target behavior, as well as the reinforcing consequences that support its continuing. Our behavioral interventions rely on data collection and analysis to determine their effectiveness and are created with feasibility in mind. Finally, our therapists value generalization and maintenance of all target behaviors to ensure that they are maintained across time and settings. Our therapists work with families, teachers, and administrators in managing challenging behaviors, and decreasing their future occurrence. Following family/teacher interviews and observing the child in his/her natural environment, our clinicians work side by side with caregivers to demonstrate how to reduce a child’s motivation to engage in problem behaviors,  and how to increase a more appropriate way to communicate his/her needs. When consulting in schools, our clinicians can also recommend universal interventions (at the level of the entire class), in order to improve classroom management.